Wednesday, February 1, 2012

John Piper:God Gave Christians a "Masculine Feel;" Evangelist Says God Did So for Humans to Flourish

The Christian Post website reports today (February 1, 2012) that evangelist John Piper -- in his address to the Desiring God Conference for Pastors in Minneapolis yesterday -- said, "God revealed Himself in the Bible pervasively as king not queen; father not mother."

He also said, "Second person of the Trinity is revealed as the eternal Son not daughter; the Father and the Son create man and woman in His image and give the name man, the name of the male."

Piper continued, "God appoints all the priests in the Old Testament to be men; the Son of God came into the world to be a man; He chose 12 men to be His apostles; the apostles appointed that the overseers of the Church be men; and when it came to marriage they taught that the husband should be the head."

Piper concluded that God has given Christianity a "masculine feel" for our maximum flourishing -- both male and female.
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